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Check here for upcoming events. The calendar is updated periodically throughout the week.




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Welcome to The Art of Cooking School!

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The Art of Cooking School wants to get you started on one of the most rewarding, creative careers you will ever undertake! Our renowned and award-winning faculty of experienced chefs will train you in the ways of the greatest chefs of all time. Enroll today to begin your culinary adventure!

Professional Programs

The Art of Cooking School has several programs designed specifically for the professional looking to enhance their career in the culinary industry with certifications for different culinary tasks. Take a look at our Services page to see the different course offerings that are going on. Class enrollment is available now!

The finest of cuisines are born of highly skillful technique, fantastic ingredients, and the heart of a great chef. We will teach you the technique and the finest ingredients... you need only to bring your heart.

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Upcoming Events

New York cooking show!

This will be our 3rd annual cooking show in New York. Many new dishes and designs to be seen. 

Art of Cooking School welcomes....

Our newest member to our family, Chef Matsu. 

2011 Graduation class biggest yet!

The class of 2011 has been our biggest graduation class yet! Celebration will be held in Times Square, check the calendar for details.

Best student made foods in the state!

During a recent recruiting event we were rated by 9 out of 10 restaurants as the best student made food in the state. 

New website coming soon!

Updates and more will be published over the next few months. 

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